First-generation students are invaluable members of the Assumption community. As the first members of their family to attend university, we have provided a number of programs and services to provide for your specific needs. Learn more about our commitment to First-generation students.
How We Help
The University, led by a President who was the first in his family to earn a university degree, provides you committed faculty who work with you from Orientation to Commencement to create your academic success story. A dedicated financial advisor connects you to resources to complete your degree; the Career Development and Internship Center will guide you toward a fulfilling career; and a robust alumni network, and the many close friends you make here, ensure you remain a member of our close-knit community throughout your life.
First-Gen. Workshops
Register for our First Gen Tuesday workshops here.
Questions & Answers
How do I add or drop a course?
Each Assumption student is assigned an academic advisor to help guide you on academic choices such as selecting a course. You can visit your advisor during their office hours or by appointment. Give them a call or send an email to set up an appointment. To drop a course, you may also stop by the Registrar's Office in Desautels Hall, Room 012, or call 508.767.7355.
I have questions about my financial aid package. Help!
No worries, we've got this covered for you! Given the Office of Financial Aid a call at 508.767.7158. Any one of our trained and helpful staff will help guide you through the process.
What if I have questions about my bill?
Another office, Student Accounts, is staffed with a number of knowledgeable individuals whose job is to answer your questions. Contact them at 508.767.7351.
How do I join the Cross Cultural Center and/or ALANA?
We're glad you asked! We're always welcoming new members to uniquely contribute to these organizations to enhance the student experience. Stop by the Hagan Campus Center to speak with Judy in the Cross Cultural Center or call her at 508.767.7100. We want you to join!
I need some help with my writing? How can Assumption help?
If you need help, we can provide help! The Academic Support Center, located in the d'Alzon Library, offers peer tutoring services on a number of academic disciplines and writing. Stop the the ASC or call them at 508.767.7311.
I need someone to talk to.
The University's Counseling Center has professionally trained and caring staff who work with a number of students to help them manage the excitement and stress of the university experience. Set up an appointment by calling 508.767.7329
I don't feel well. Is there a clinic on campus?
The University's Wellness Center provides licensed, certified Nurse Practitioners working in collaboration with a consulting physician assess and treat health problems of full-time undergraduate students. Services offered by Student Health Services (SHS) are covered by undergraduate tuition and you need not need purchase the school health insurance plan in order to receive care. The Wellness Center is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with a break between noon and 1 p.m. for lunch. Contact the Wellness Center at 608.767.7329.
Does the University provide academic accommodations?
Absolutely! Contact Julie LeBlanc in Accessibility Services to discuss the application process and how Assumption might be able to accommodate your specific need.
Can Assumption students study abroad?
Absolutely, in fact, we have our own campus in Rome, Italy! Contact Eloise Knowlton, Ph.D. to discuss a number of exciting and memorable study aboard opportunities offered by the University.
Questions? We're here to help! Contact Judy Heersink by email, phone (508-767-7100 ) or stop by the Hagan Campus Center.